We can define Emax crowns as the peak point of aesthetics in today’s dentistry. As a matter of fact, “Emax” is the abbreviation of esthetic maximum. It does not contain any metal as in the other aesthetic applications. However, the difference from the other metal-free processes is that it is extremely thin. Its extremely thin nature allows the maximum esthetic.
We can define Emax crowns as the peak point of aesthetics in today’s dentistry. As a matter of fact, “Emax” is the abbreviation of esthetic maximum.

It does not contain any metal as in the other aesthetic applications. However, the difference from the other metal-free processes is that it is extremely thin. Its extremely thin nature allows the maximum esthetic.

EMAX Crown Properties

Its almost transparent structure is smooth and slippery. Thanks to this, it does not stainproof, reduces the formation of tartar to almost zero, and its adaptation to the gingiva is very successful.
We cannot use this material, which has maximum aesthetic properties, on the posterior teeth. Zirconium is preferred in the posterior regions instead of Emax since it cannot carry the forces that occur during chewing in the posterior teeth due to its thin structure.
Emax crowns are only suitable for use in incisors due to their structural properties. When a daily and qualified oral care is performed, it provides a healthy and aesthetic smile to the user for many years.